Friday, 8 January 2016


Why did I start this review of teas? I have relatively a newbie to tea drinking, and only really started drinking tea in the last 5 years. I had tried tea when I was younger, but never liked it. Turns out this was because everyone who made tea made it with lots of milk, and I don't like hot milk!

It wasn't until my, now missed boss who passed away, suggested I should try it with a little bit of milk which was how he drank tea. This I found to be pleasant, but soon it got to the point where I would have a dash of milk. One day when in the office my boss suggested that the dash of milk was hardly worth it, and that it would be just the same without any milk.. Since that day I have drank tea by the pot load in the mornings and all without milk.

Over the last few years I have tried various different varieties of tea, in various forms, and have become somewhat a tea snob! typically going for loose leaf tea (although some tea bagged tea is actually very good).

I would love to go to China and try some tea direct from the source. The best I have got to this is been brought copious amounts of green tea direct from china from the company I work for's sales agent.

I have decided since there are a large number of tea suppliers in the UK now, that I would provide a useful place to review tea as I feel the quality and taste does vary company to company. I will try to review a good selection of tea.... Enjoy!

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